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Industrial and environmental inspection, vendor inspection, technical assistance, non-destructive testing (NDT) and technical staffing for all type of industries.
Multidisciplinary laboratories.Testing and engineering for product development. Conformity testing and product certification. SYSTEMS CERTIFICATION.
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Design, engineering, testing and homologation services for the automotive industry worldwide.
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NeMo’s vision is to create a Hyper-Network of new and existing tools, models and services which will provide seamless interoperability of electro-mob...
Applus+ IDIADA presents four new projects solutions focused to address the new challenges in sustainable mobility: Green Vehicle, Integrated Safety and Con...
Lienol Openwrt固件编译教程 重新添加Passwall ...:2021-6-15 · 之前我伊介绍过Lean Openwrt/Lede路由器固件源码的编译过程,具体可伍参考:小白也会!Lean OpenWrt/Lede 固件编译教程 Lienol的Openwrt固件源码,则是在Lean源码的基础上,进行了一系列修改和定制。两套源码整体上比较相似,主要的区别 ...
The aim of the eCUB project is to improve and design supercapacitors by increasing significantly its useful life and demonstrate the benefits of install su...
UPSCALE project (Upscaling Product development Simulation Capabilities exploiting Artificial intelligence for Electrified vehicles) will be executed over t...